讲座主题:Edge-transitive bi-Cayley graphs
主讲人: 周进鑫
活动时间:2020年11月21日 10:10—11:00
讲座地点:腾讯会议会议ID:664 308 202
A graph admitting a group H of automorphisms acting semi-regularly on the vertices with exactly two orbits is called a bi-Cayley graph over H. This generalisation of a Cayley graph gives a class of graphs that includes many important examples such as the Petersen graph, the Gray graph and the Hoffman-Singleton graph, and most of the known examples are actually edge-transitive. In this talk, I shall introduce some of our recent work regarding edge-transitive bi-Cayley graphs.
周进鑫,北京交通大学教授、博士生导师。主要从事群与图方面的研究,目前在Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B(A)、Combinatorica、Journal of Graph Theory、European Journal of Combinatorics、Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics、IEEE Transactions on Computers等图论、组合及计算机领域的一流期刊上发表论文70余篇。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目3项,在研1项。