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三元名家论坛:Realistic scattering of puffy dark matter
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2022-12-21     来源:    

讲座主题:Realistic scattering of puffy dark matter







If dark matter has a finite size, the intrinsic interaction responsible for the structure formation is inevitable from the perspective of dark matter self-scattering. To describe the circumstance in which the binding force realizes the finite size dark protons, we first use the eikonal approximation to simplify the convoluted scattering between dark protons into the case at the t=0 limit. The Chou-Yang model is then introduced to reduce the number of input parameters to one based on the simplicity and analyticity principle. A new definition of velocity dependence and the corresponding implications on the small cosmological structures from Chou-Yang dark protons are shown clearly. Even though the parameter space is not fully covered, the numerical findings show that the amplitude coefficient can alter the self-scattering cross section, allowing us to recover the excluded parameter space without using binding force. Finally, we demonstrate that the correct relic density from thermal freeze-out production prefers super heavy dark protons.


王雯宇,北京工业大学研究员,博士生导师,理论物理学科责任教授。先后主讲大学物理、理论力学和量子力学的本科教学和高等量子力学、量子场论超对称理论等研究生课程。从事高能粒子物理研究,研究方向为超出标准模型新物理,超对称粒子,暗物质唯象等。承担国家博士后科学基金,国家自然科学基金青年基金,面上基金等项目。迄今为止在国际理论物理专刊上发表论文近40余篇。出版学术译著一本。为意大利国际理论物理中心学者。参与组织2013年全国电动力学课程研讨会,2015年pQCD 学术会,2016年中国物理学会秋季会议,2019年北京工业大学纽结场论会议。