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学术报告-Completion of fuzzy quasi-uniform spaces
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2021-01-04     来源:    

讲座主题:Completion of fuzzy quasi-uniform spaces

主讲人: 岳跃利


活动时间:2021年1月8日 14:00-14:50

讲座地点:腾讯会议:537 764 261



In this talk, we give a kind of Cauchy completeness in probabilistic quasi-uniform space by using pair T-filters, and prove that this kind of Cauchy completeness is equivalent to the T-completeness of induced probabilistic uniform space introduced by H?hle. We also give a characterization of Cauchy completeness by Lawvere completeness. Then, we study the completion of probabilistic (quasi-)uniform space and show that each T0 separated probabilistic quasi-uniform space has a T0 Cauchy completion. Finally, in probabilistic quasi-metric space, we study the relationship between the completeness of induced quasi-uniform space and the completeness of probabilistic quasi-metric space.

