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学术报告-Existence of non-Cayley Haar graphs
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2020-12-11     来源:    

讲座主题:Existence of non-Cayley Haar graphs

主讲人: 杨大伟


活动时间:2020年12月13日 14:50-15:40

讲座地点:腾讯会议,会议ID:850 153 808



A Cayley graph of a group H is a finite simple graphΓsuch that its automorphism group Aut(Γ) contains a subgroup isomorphic to H acting regularly on V(Γ), while a Haar graph of H is a finite simple bipartite graphΣsuch that Aut(Σ) contains a subgroup isomorphic to H acting semiregularly on V(Σ) and the H-orbits are equal to the partite sets ofΣ. It is well-known that every Haar graph of finite abelian groups is a Cayley graph. In this paper, we prove that every finite non-abelian group admits a non-Cayley Haar graph except the dihedral groups D6, D8, D10, the quaternion group Q8 and the group Q8×Z2. This answers an open problem proposed by Estelyi and Pisanski in 2016. This is joint work with Yan-Quan Feng, Istvan Kovacs and Jie Wang.


杨大伟,理学博士,北京邮电大学讲师。研究方向为代数图论、图论与网络,主要研究内容为图与网络的对称性,网络的嵌入与容错性分析等。目前已在European J. Combin., J. Algebraic Combin., Inform. Sci.等国际期刊发表十余篇学术论文,主持或参与多项省部级以上科研项目。